A Woman’s Dream Chocolate
100% natural table chocolate, with no additives or preservatives. It provides good energy and calories. Afromuvaras is a women’s organization dedicated to the production, purchasing, and transformation of cocoa via artisanal techniques. With their organization, which was founded in 2018, they aim for the socioeconomic development of more than 580 women belonging to Las Varas Community Council in Tumaco.
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Casabe Candy
With a texture similar to that of custard, Casabe Candy is a product based on corn, cinnamon, coconut, milk, and panela, a combination that yields a very typical and pleasant flavor. Casabe Candy is a product elaborated by the communities of the Colombian Pacific since ancestral times, and July has been making it for as long as she can remember.
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Plantain Flour
Colada flour made from plantain. Plantain is a product that is abundantly present and grown in this territory. Traditionally, it has been used for the preparation of many dishes, among them coladas, which are highly nutritious and beneficial for children’s development. Moreover, plantain is produced in their family’s farm.
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S&S Ice Cream
Tasty and delicious bowls made with natural milk and harvested fruits. “My startup was born from two opportunities: first, we live in a very hot zone; and second, I am located near a school. When they went out for their physical education class, the kids always came to my house to ask for water. In that moment, I had the idea of making refreshing bowls. Later, with my family’s support, I could broaden my business: we bought a larger freezer and decided to make the bowls with harvested fruits instead, since they are more natural and nutritious for the well-being of everyone who consumes the product.
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Los Supremos Ice Cream
Natural product with fresh and delicious fruits from the region. There are many flavors to delight the palate: salpicón, pineapple, coconut, arequipe (caramel), peanut, bubblegum, mango biche, cheese, and guanábana. “Los Supremos Ice Cream, in addition to being a startup, was an opportunity for me to recover from my mother’s death. After this sad event, I was depressed, from which I slowly recovered as the ice cream sales increased. I started to sell them in the football matches that take place in the townships of my Community Council (Alto Mira y Frontera) to contribute to my family’s economy.”
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Costeño Chocolate Niña Diose
We are cocoa producers. Selling it generates important income for us to support our project, complementing the direct sale of our products. In the same way, we can promote cooking workshops for youths and children, seeking to preserve our traditional legacy.
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Motivated to innovate within our municipality’s association, PROASIV, we focused our efforts on a project that allowed bringing women and family members together around a common objective of active participation, which, apart from providing them with opportunities to move forward, allowed projecting and improving their quality of life. We sell pre-cooked patacones. We sell them already frozen and in two main sizes: a cocktail size, whose packaging contains ten small patacones; and another medium-large size, which comes with five patacones in each package. The advantage of our product is that it is easy to cook and it maintains the natural qualities of its artisanal production.
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Pitaleño Chocolate
Pitaleño Chocolate is a natural product made with the best hand-picked almonds, with chocolate being one of the most consumed foods, given its extraordinary flavor and the properties it has to offer. Steps for manufacturing a high-quality product, aiming to delight various palates with exquisite, preservative-free.
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San Jorge Bread Slices
I used to work in the restaurant of a women’s association, where vacuum-packed bread slices were sold, but, due to the pandemic, this restaurant closed in June 2020. Then, I decided to create my own startup. Vacuum-packed salty and sweet chips.
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Eva’s Cookies
In this startup, we want to employ only women, aiming for their empowerment and financial independence, as this is a region where masculine work and sexism have prevailed. Three years ago, we started out with the dream of being entrepreneurs, and we went from making cookies for family meetings to innovate in a startup with a lot of love, using the experience of our mothers and grandmothers.
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Maná del Cielo Distributors
Arepas are sold directly in El Mellito village, Necoclí. They are delivered to farms and households. However, we believe that stores and supermarkets are the best means to commercialize our arepas, as well as hotels and restaurants.
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Supertodo La Principal Zomac SAS
We are young people eager to contribute to the community. We are part of the Proasiv Entrepreneur Committee, and we want to help local brands by means of commercial strategies, contributing to improve the quality of life. SUPERTODO LA PRINCIPAL is a minimarket that offers basic products from the family basket: home and personal cleaning elements, fruits and vegetables, cold beverages, snacks, and candy. SUPERTODO is a company of young country people who mainly place their bets on rural, clean, artisanal, and always available products for our community. With our self-service modality, which is unique within our action radius, where the tradition and the norm are neighborhood shops, our customers are more satisfied.
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La Hobeña Snacks
I am the daughter of entrepreneurs and grandchild of artisans. Thanks to their beautiful teachings, today I can replicate all their experience in my products. I admire my mother because, as a widow, she got by with eight children. Upon that path, she set out to be the best confectioner in the municipality, making the best foods, cakes, and cucas in our town. I thank God for my family, for our history, and the love and tradition with which we do things.
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Blíniz Confectioner
The Blíniz confectionery elaborates high-quality products, using the best ingredients, with good technique, and innovating in flavors and recipes, always aiming to provide its customers with an unforgettable experience on any occasion.
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Abuelo Romero Artisanal Chocolate
Transformation and commercialization of table chocolate. Abuelo Romero Artisanal Chocolate was born thanks to the training provided to Enémber regarding cocoa farming. Since he was a kid, his family has dedicated to cocoa farming by tradition, and they used to transform cocoa by hand for their own consumption. Thus, Enémber decided to consider this knowledge as an opportunity for commercialization. He currently processes the Criollo cocoa cultivated by his family and turns it into table chocolate.