Avícola Dorada
Avícola Dorada offers eggs of different sizes and live, smoked, and fresh, pre-cooked chicken. Chickens raised naturally and with the best conditions regarding hygiene and care. “I am an entrepreneurial woman dedicated to the different tasks of the fields, among them raising chicken and laying hens. We started this business with my husband four years ago, with the support of several organizations.”
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Katío Forest
We offer various products derived from bee honey, such as: 100% natural bee honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly, virgin wax, preparations to decongest the respiratory tract, for fertility, sexual enhancers, and treatments for the hair and skin. We have 14 years of experience in farming bees and transforming their benefits into products which, in turn, are healthy natural, and sustainable.
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We are a company characterized by taking care of, rescuing, and relocating bees. For us, it is fundamental, apart from obtaining products of good quality and excellent flavor, to work towards the preservation of our fauna and flora. We van provide home services and accompaniment for the needs of each customer.
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Our startup arose as a solution to several issues, such as the inadequate management of solid waste, the lack of environmental education in the community, the precarious work conditions of recyclers and the lack of job opportunities for young people.
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Our startup was born during the pandemic, when we were all speaking about reinventing ourselves. We answered by trying to take coffee processing a little bit beyond we have done generation after generation in my family for more than 60 years of tradition: producing dried coffee and selling it to the highest bidder. Our coffee is toxic-free and the grains come from excellent species such as bourbon, tabi, and supreme.
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I utilize natural resources in a responsible way, in order to improve the well-being of my family and my community. My product has 100% pure fruit pulp , with no preservatives or additives. We produce passion fruit, guava, mango, cholupa, and grape pulp.